Response to Active Shooter Incidents for Law Enforcement
Just watch your local news and you will see that over the past few years there has been a significant increase in the number of indiscriminate shootings of innocent people in schools and other public buildings. Typically, the first officers to arrive at these scenes are patrol officers. This has required law enforcement agencies to reevaluate their procedures and change their tactics in order to have a more effective response. This training course is designed for law enforcement officers who may be faced with responding and properly handling an active shooter incident.
This eight hour training course is intended to assist patrol officers, police supervisors and detectives from smaller agencies that could be faced with the initial response to an active shooter incident. Areas of concern include highly populated buildings such as schools, businesses, day care centers, and other public assembly venues. This course will train officers to respond quickly and effectively in order to reduce loss of life. Acquiring the training and skills necessary to respond rapidly and effectively in order to locate, isolate and/or neutralize the threat posed by an active shooter cannot be overemphasized. Course methodology includes classroom presentations, incident case studies and hands-on practical exercises. These practical training exercises allow the participants the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to utilize the tactics and procedures learned during the course.
Course content will include the following: · Historical Overview of Active Shooter Situations· Lessons Learned From Prior Incidents· Rapid Deployment/Basic Tactical Movement Techniques· Contact and Rescue Team Operations· Building and Room Clearing Techniques · Active Shooter vs. Barricade/Hostage Incident Resolution Tactics· Incident Command System (ICS) Integration· Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Awareness For additional information about the benefits of hosting this course at your location, contact us today. When violence erupts the outcome and events of the incident are unpredictable. Injury or death of building occupants, lawsuits, property damage, and diminished trust are just a few of the possible consequences. The risk for violence is difficult to predict and almost impossible to eliminate. This course provides instruction on ways law enforcement agencies can reduce potential and minimize the impact of violent situations specifically involving an active shooter incident.
All course instructors are current law enforcement officers with specialized instructor certifications and experience in active shooter response training.
Course content will include the following: · Historical Overview of Active Shooter Situations· Lessons Learned From Prior Incidents· Rapid Deployment/Basic Tactical Movement Techniques· Contact and Rescue Team Operations· Building and Room Clearing Techniques · Active Shooter vs. Barricade/Hostage Incident Resolution Tactics· Incident Command System (ICS) Integration· Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Awareness For additional information about the benefits of hosting this course at your location, contact us today. When violence erupts the outcome and events of the incident are unpredictable. Injury or death of building occupants, lawsuits, property damage, and diminished trust are just a few of the possible consequences. The risk for violence is difficult to predict and almost impossible to eliminate. This course provides instruction on ways law enforcement agencies can reduce potential and minimize the impact of violent situations specifically involving an active shooter incident.
All course instructors are current law enforcement officers with specialized instructor certifications and experience in active shooter response training.