New York State Crowd Manager Regulations and Training Program
Fatal disasters, such as the Astroworld Festival 2021 crowd surge, Indiana State Fair 2011 stage collapse, and the 2003 Rhode Island Station Nightclub fire, clearly illustrate the need for trained crowd managers to prevent repeat catastrophes. The Crowd Manager Regulations and Training Program is aimed at making public gatherings safer by teaching event staff how to be better crowd managers.
Crowd management is the ability to control crowd dynamic features such as space, energy, time, and information. The goal of proper crowd management is to ensure that all occupants are safe during both normal and emergency operations. In every assembly occupancy in the State of New York where facilities or events involve a gathering of more than 500 people, crowd managers shall be provided in accordance with Sections 403.12.3.1 through 403.12.3.3 of the Fire Code of New York State during hours of operation. The only exceptions to this regulation are for places exclusively used for religious worship with an occupant load not exceeding 1,000 people, and for outdoor events with fewer than 1,000 persons in attendance. Additionally, not fewer than two trained crowd managers, and not fewer than one trained crowd manager for each 250 person or portion thereof, shall be provided for the gathering.
The 2020 International Fire Code, as adopted by New York State, requires any establishment, venue, or event hosting more than 500 people have at least two persons properly trained in managing the crowd. A crowd manager can be a manager, supervisor, or other employee of a venue such a bar, theater, nightclub, school, arena, or anyone hosting large crowds.
This three-hour course is for public safety officials, venue operators, event planners, and other stakeholders responsible for safety and security at sport and special events, including parades, concerts, carnivals, and fairs. The training will provide participants with tools and techniques to assist with conducting crowd management and crowd control operations before, during, and after an event or incident. The course content is scalable and applicable to all sports and special events regardless of venue size, capacity, or type of event.
The duties of crowd managers shall include, but not be limited to: Conduct an inspection of the area of responsibility and identify and address any egress barriers; conduct an inspection of the area of responsibility to identify and mitigate any fire hazards; verify compliance with all permit conditions, including those governing pyrotechnics and other special effects; direct and assist the event attendees in evacuation during an emergency; and assist emergency response personnel where requested.
Using interactive, scenario-based learning, the course teaches safety procedures such as: how to properly evacuate an event; when to implement a shelter-in-place plan; what to look for before an event begins; and managing both indoor and outdoor events. All seminar presenters are active-duty law enforcement officers and fire code officials with specialized instructor certifications and experience in fire and life-safety response and emergency medical care training.
Crowd management is the ability to control crowd dynamic features such as space, energy, time, and information. The goal of proper crowd management is to ensure that all occupants are safe during both normal and emergency operations. In every assembly occupancy in the State of New York where facilities or events involve a gathering of more than 500 people, crowd managers shall be provided in accordance with Sections 403.12.3.1 through 403.12.3.3 of the Fire Code of New York State during hours of operation. The only exceptions to this regulation are for places exclusively used for religious worship with an occupant load not exceeding 1,000 people, and for outdoor events with fewer than 1,000 persons in attendance. Additionally, not fewer than two trained crowd managers, and not fewer than one trained crowd manager for each 250 person or portion thereof, shall be provided for the gathering.
The 2020 International Fire Code, as adopted by New York State, requires any establishment, venue, or event hosting more than 500 people have at least two persons properly trained in managing the crowd. A crowd manager can be a manager, supervisor, or other employee of a venue such a bar, theater, nightclub, school, arena, or anyone hosting large crowds.
This three-hour course is for public safety officials, venue operators, event planners, and other stakeholders responsible for safety and security at sport and special events, including parades, concerts, carnivals, and fairs. The training will provide participants with tools and techniques to assist with conducting crowd management and crowd control operations before, during, and after an event or incident. The course content is scalable and applicable to all sports and special events regardless of venue size, capacity, or type of event.
The duties of crowd managers shall include, but not be limited to: Conduct an inspection of the area of responsibility and identify and address any egress barriers; conduct an inspection of the area of responsibility to identify and mitigate any fire hazards; verify compliance with all permit conditions, including those governing pyrotechnics and other special effects; direct and assist the event attendees in evacuation during an emergency; and assist emergency response personnel where requested.
Using interactive, scenario-based learning, the course teaches safety procedures such as: how to properly evacuate an event; when to implement a shelter-in-place plan; what to look for before an event begins; and managing both indoor and outdoor events. All seminar presenters are active-duty law enforcement officers and fire code officials with specialized instructor certifications and experience in fire and life-safety response and emergency medical care training.